This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#129 pencils of tangents. It is interesting that a 1:1 correspondence can be established between
doc#100 definition of this much abused adjective is that a reconstructed rebel is one who is glad
doc#114 historian and economist enough to know that a substantial portion of this wealth had
doc#124 considering BW defense, it must be recognized that a number of critical meterological parameters
doc#104 of men in an octagonal pit move through a rite of calisthenics, dance, chanted poetry
doc#116 with no additional capital investment, to a present value estimated by some as exceeding
doc#100 a population and an area appropriate to a pre-World-War-I great power have been,
doc#8 committee rules, it went automatically to a subcommittee for one week. But questions
doc#137 'll bet that's as close as you've been to a man since you were a baby", Wilson said
doc#120 unit in the unit cell, corresponding to a paramagnetic ion density of <formul>. The
doc#120 agree best for <formul>. These data lead to a structure in which sheets of Cr atoms lie
doc#143 a team to a buckboard, they drove out to a willow-lined creek about a half-mile off
doc#126 young generation while the queen retires to a life of egg laying. The first worker bees
doc#114 denied a voice (do they have a moral right to a voice?), what voices would be left? Who
doc#54 wouldn't be possible for everyone to rush to a school to get their children". </p><p> Dr.
doc#128 by topical application of strychnine to a minute area in the neocortex summate with
doc#146 Toward the west this depression led toward a draw. Leading his pony, he hurried that
doc#79 played basketball there while working toward a law degree. </p><p> Later, Shea owned and
doc#65 the National Football League, will undergo a knee operation tomorrow at Franklin Hospital
doc#81 by the margin of that stroke. </p><p> Until a few weeks ago, however, Arnold Palmer was