This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#135 cartridges. </p><p> Mike seized a blanket from a pallet in a corner, spread it on the
doc#135 racing toward him. Susan and Julia came from the door and dragged him with them. The
doc#135 the planks were in danger of being torn from the crossbars. </p><p> Mike rolled to Susan
doc#135 on through. Susan and Julia ripped strips from their clothing and bound the injury. </p>
doc#136 . At the last second I dropped my sights from the bare chest and bright red circle to
doc#136 burned powder. A horse screamed as it twisted from side to side in a frenzy. A rifle cracked
doc#136 rolling volley swept most of the other riders from their mounts. But a few reached our wall
doc#136 side to side only to be tumbled bleeding from their saddles by the relentless slam, slam
doc#136 held on as long as possible and then, weak from ghastly wounds, slipped sideways, slowly
doc#136 the slashing hoofs. Some gracefully soared from the backs of their wounded, screaming mounts
doc#137 raise it, then let it fall again and dangle from her wrist. </p><p> "I saw your fire", she
doc#137 faded out. </p><p> Wilson brushed the dust from his coat. "Who was that"? he asked. "Your
doc#137 by a woman. They expected greater things from him, regardless of how trying the circumstances
doc#138 obvious that he wished himself different from the sort of person he thought he was. But
doc#138 permission and the necessary instructions from the clerk, I had visited the toilet adjoining
doc#138 perhaps, in the corners farthest removed from the counter with its overhead light. This
doc#138 wearing. I did not despair, however; far from it! I was constantly searching for clues
doc#138 only a relatively short walk separated it from my own part of town, its character was
doc#139 He wanted a careful, uninterrupted report from Dill on the conditions in the valley. </p>
doc#140 snapped as she pushed them ruthlessly away from her. </p><p> Miraculously, she found exactly