This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#145 "Honey", he whispered. "Soon as we send them on their way and make camp, let's you and
doc#145 begrudge a moment of the time they spent seeing them go. 40. AT FIRST Matilda could not believe
doc#145 of their trail-worn wagon. </p><p> Seeing them waiting there at the foot of Emigrant Rock
doc#145 and started down the grade leading toward them , Matilda could not speak at all. Then,
doc#145 Hez asked, who still believed they'd have them to lick. </p><p> "They ain't even in sight
doc#145 cat ... and even the cheese, all joined them out there in the circle. </p><p> By now Harmony
doc#145 challenging lure of the great cliff towering above them . No matter how many registry rocks they
doc#145 appeal. Even strange names seemed to make them feel closer to some kind of civilization
doc#145 she saw Rod and Hez moving over to join them . </p><p> No sooner were they through and
doc#145 turnoff, and gloated, "Seems funny that them Burnsides never took time to leave their
doc#145 -Henry up thar". </p><p> "Wonder what made them hurry so", Rod drawled, giving Dan a sly
doc#146 maintain a sharper watch, this activity enabled them to ride in and rack their broncs without
doc#146 without any particular attention being paid them . </p><p> "Gyp'll be holdin' forth in some
doc#146 the way they had come. Glowering looks met them in the bar, but there was no attempt to
doc#146 the bar, but there was no attempt to halt them . Pausing in the outside door to glance
doc#147 had much to say. The sky glowered down at them . There was a feeling that this mission
doc#147 would go on forever. </p><p> The truck dropped them off at the various revetments spread through
doc#147 claustrophobia. The ceiling stayed solid above them at about eight hundred feet, and at times
doc#147 perfect. When the sea was visible ahead of them , the relief was as great as if the sun
doc#147 come out. He spread the flight out and led them across a point of land and then down the