This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#136 again. I could see their faces glistening with sweat and bear grease, their mouths open
doc#136 Indian dived at Montero, who caught him with a swift upward stroke of his rifle butt
doc#136 Above me a dark rider was whipping his pony with a quirt in an attempt to hurdle the bales
doc#137 could burn down this whole mountainside with a fire that size. It wouldn't matter to
doc#137 difference. He sold me a clear title. I have it with me, right here. If you want to see" -- </p>
doc#137 know what makes you think you can get away with this kind of business, and I don't care
doc#137 bit hard to remember. </p><p> He finished with the team and filled his pipe and stood
doc#138 shelf. He would pick up the ringing phone with studied negligence, then bark into it with
doc#138 What sort of men I would come into contact with , at the hall? These questions did not surprise
doc#138 always, I said, hankered after working hard with my hands. This desire, I went on, growing
doc#139 Powers knocked his arm aside. Deliberately, with none of Rankin's viciousness, he laid the
doc#139 the force of a thousand fire hoses, and with the gold it held washed down through the
doc#140 around and headed it back down the hill, with the village as her ostensible destination
doc#140 and her child ... that its sympathy lay with the Culvers ... that she had erred in failing
doc#140 simply there -- fighting man's depredations with more abundant growth and man's follies
doc#140 near. His presence would have interfered with her duty. </p><p> The mountainside grew steeper
doc#140 exactly, but a pocket of icy air that settled with a loathsome familiarity upon the deep confines
doc#141 She looked at him, lips compressed. Then, with a shrug of pretended indifference, she
doc#141 the steering wheel. He seemed very pleased with himself, as though some intricate scheme
doc#141 working out exactly as he had planned. Along with this self-satisfaction, however, Joyce