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doc#130 The society is likely to be characterized by having a fairly modernized urban sector
doc#130 self-sustaining growth is not prevented by lack of foreign exchange. </p><p> There remain
doc#130 governments may respond to such a situation by claiming a monopoly of understanding about
doc#130 wisdom of their own actions, and reassured by the promises of their economic development
doc#130 long working horizon. It must be marked by a patience and persistence which have not
doc#131 the experience of spiritual fulfillment by inviting man into the highest realm of
doc#131 ultimate values, ends and goals fostered by religion are a most important factor. Without
doc#132 dramatic preconscious breakthrough, reactivated by the crisis situation, and hence once again
doc#132 compared favorably with the results reported by typical child guidance clinics where the
doc#132 the customary route of voluntary referral by the family or by other professional people
doc#132 request for substitute care is precipitated by a crisis event which is meaningfully linked
doc#133 . Do you take in all the strays who come by "? </p><p> "I don't have many strays coming
doc#134 the yard, from the circle of light cast by the lamp still burning in the house, into
doc#134 ago, on those nights when he slept alone by his campfire and waked suddenly to the
doc#134 untenanted and brooding, too strong to be broken by the will of men. Gavin sighed bitterly.
doc#134 the high ridge of the mountains, followed by feathers of red that swept the last stars
doc#134 treats her like she was dirt. And you stand by like a fool and let him do it ..." </p><p>
doc#135 rear wall of the stockade. It was pierced by a wagon gate built of two wings. One wing
doc#135 looming hoods of the supply wagons, struck by a new inspiration. He set his bundle down
doc#136 Eyes was in the lead. His face was split by a vermilion streak, his eyes were pools