This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#137 cheek. Not yours. Mine. It must have got there when you fell against me". </p><p> She wiped
doc#137 calling again, and he hoped that this time there would be no other sounds to interrupt it
doc#137 good grass, good water. Well, the grass was there , though in some places the ground was too
doc#137 steep for a cow to get to it. The water was there , so much of it that it spread all through
doc#137 spread all through the dead orchard. And there was a house; livable perhaps, but badly
doc#137 that cattle wouldn't stop to graze. But there was water. There was an artificial lake
doc#137 ground above the hillside orchard. Yes, there was plenty of water, too much, and that
doc#137 tailed hawk flew in behind them and stayed there , watching for any snakes or rabbits that
doc#138 figures, at the most. Drifting here and there . Squatting, as if waiting. The pulsing
doc#138 never did I cease to feel myself a stranger there . </p><p> I returned to the hall, despite
doc#138 forms and was impressed by what he had seen there ; indeed, my scholastic qualifications were
doc#139 The road's washed badly", said Dill, "but there 's a trail you can get over with a horse
doc#139 horse. A company of cavalry couldn't come in there if two men were guarding that trail". </p>
doc#139 straightened in surprise. </p><p> "What's he doing there "? </p><p> Again Dill hesitated. "Dealing
doc#139 what they'll expect you to do. They'll be there waiting for you. I understand how you feel
doc#139 was sent away. </p><p> "I can't leave him there . Donald Kruger would like nothing better
doc#139 bribed one of the guards. We want him back there or we want him dead". </p><p> Kodyke took
doc#140 at that sacred, sacrificial basin. It was there that she would have to enact her renunciation
doc#140 remembered little of her previous journey there with Grace, and she could but hope that
doc#140 indifferent, unmotivated, the forest was simply there -- fighting man's depredations with more