This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#137 places the ground was too steep for a cow to get to it. The water was there, so much
doc#138 presence of the two exhaust fans seemed to indicate that the hall could become crowded
doc#138 I still could not tell for sure how far to the rear the darkness extended. I could
doc#138 the floor below. Also the clerk appeared to disapprove of my frequent curious glances
doc#138 disappointed, although just what I had expected him to look like I could not have explained. He
doc#139 The man went over without sound, falling to the bare floor. </p><p> Barton said harshly
doc#139 both numbers and money. It was all right to put a bunch of ranchers onto horses, to
doc#139 He's quite a rat, you know. He sold out to Kruger's men. He's informed them of everything
doc#140 in her new frame of mind, was careful not to pretend too much assurance. That mistake
doc#140 and she could but hope that her dedication to her mission would enable her to accomplish
doc#140 utterly reasonable. </p><p> She did not pause to consider what she would do if her plan
doc#140 and proud and unafraid in order to prove to the mountain that she was in earnest. </p>
doc#140 direction. </p><p> Nevertheless, she continued to move upward. She was sure she would reach
doc#140 the trees. She stood quite still, trying to focus upon a direction in which to turn
doc#140 upon a direction in which to turn, a path to follow, a clue to guide her. </p><p> She
doc#140 groped blindly. She had to escape. She had to move in some direction -- any direction
doc#141 to listen. Do you hear me? You're going to listen"! </p><p> Lord nodded agreeably. He
doc#141 be plumb important, as well as pleasin' to the ear, and he didn't want to miss a word
doc#141 rattlesnake gag? Getting the boss rattlesnake to help you"? </p><p> "Why, I meant what I said
doc#141 was the best way to handle him; that is, to show no curiosity whatsoever. Otherwise