This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#61 Birds were to end their victory draought as they coasted along with a 3-to-0 advantage
doc#33 prevent hoodlums from infiltrating the state as they did in the Republican administration
doc#61 team among the eighteen Major-League clubs as they dropped their sixth straight spring
doc#134 gullies. </p><p> THEY HAD been seen as soon as they left the ranch, picked out of the
doc#76 fine fellow, a ball player's ball player, as they say in the trade. </p><p> I remember
doc#81 Arnold is one golfer who knows the code as thoroughly as the man who wrote the book
doc#104 and out of the arcades, massing against it as though it were a fortress under siege.
doc#144 He turned and looked around at the lobby as though seeing things he hadn't before noticed
doc#124 so fastidious in its growth requirements as to make production on a militarily significant
doc#131 religion; and there are different opinions as to the essential functions of religion.
doc#106 ingredient of anger, and might be classified as uninterested and bored rather than angry
doc#105 and Bruckner works in the coming season, as usual. We'll play Bruckner's Fifth Symphony
doc#138 director I saw why. Although it was dark as usual I could see that the hall had only
doc#127 muscular coats which are capable of acting as valves. In other words, the anastomoses
doc#129 image of the second intersection of l and Q as vertex and lying in the plane determined
doc#129 pencil of lines having a point, P, of g as vertex is transformed into a ruled surface
doc#26 major parties. </p><p> Mr. Reama, who retired as vice president of the American Screw Co.
doc#102 destruction of continents? Are we as safe as we should be from such a disaster? Is anything
doc#109 dance but in the shape of their continuity as well. Chance, he finds, enables him to
doc#132 continued success in the care of the new babies as well as a marked improvement in the family