This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#143 their day's work. Haying time was close at hand, and they needed some strong branches
doc#143 Andy Ross had just started swinging an ax at his second willow when the distant blast
doc#143 man onto the buckboard, yelled and lashed at the team and got out of there fast. But
doc#143 figure that could materialize anywhere, at any time, to dispense an ancient brand
doc#144 flush on the nose with a blow which started at the floor. </p><p> Jess had had enough. Blood
doc#144 was Brenner's idea", Jess mumbled, dabbing at his nose. "He found out about you and Arbuckle
doc#145 bitterly, picking up his shirt and staring at the fresh bullet hole in the sleeve. If
doc#145 worn wagon. </p><p> Seeing them waiting there at the foot of Emigrant Rock was so overwhelming
doc#145 their own train were zealously chipping away at the register rocks, leaving their own records
doc#145 said almost in unison. "That wasn't nothing at all"! </p><p> Leaning forward in her chair
doc#145 Captain Clemens' signal. </p><p> Hez looked up at the high face of Emigrant Rock, official
doc#145 ". </p><p> Rod looked apprehensively ahead at the narrowing, precipice-walled gorge.
doc#146 Two men murmured with their heads together at the end of the bar, while the sleek-headed
doc#146 that Stevens made his way with Russ close at his shoulder. </p><p> The door was locked
doc#146 nimbly aside. With a bellow Carmer lunged at him. But he was more than half-drunk, and
doc#146 himself of something unclean. His glance at Gyp Carmer was disdainful. "Shall we get
doc#146 bleakly. Yet had he not visited the girl at Saw Buck he would never have been involved
doc#146 </p><p> Nearing home, he jerked to attention at the distant crack of a gun. In town no
doc#147 one had much to say. The sky glowered down at them. There was a feeling that this mission
doc#147 above them at about eight hundred feet, and at times the sheer cliffs seemed about to