This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#134 tire and Clayton felt the spray of snow from the hoofs of Gavin's stallion. He looked
doc#136 the slashing hoofs. Some gracefully soared from the backs of their wounded, screaming mounts
doc#127 course and distribution differs somewhat from that found in other mammals. As seen in
doc#122 varying the distance of the light source from the cell. </p><p> Following reaction the
doc#100 tidewater would roughly divide the Old South from the new, but with, of course, important
doc#59 Arranging for ministerial graduates to spend from 6-12 months as apprentices in well-established
doc#81 embankment that had become soft and spongy from the rains, thereby bringing local rules
doc#134 feathers of red that swept the last stars from the sky. The wan light spread over the
doc#110 individual freedom in the United States from the dangers of anarchy, inherent in confederations
doc#135 on through. Susan and Julia ripped strips from their clothing and bound the injury. </p>
doc#95 reproduced in an undeveloped roll of film taken from Lonsdale when he was arrested with the
doc#118 temperature dependent value of <egr> was taken from Ref. 7. The radiation loss from the anode
doc#45 administration proposal to hike the state sales tax from 2 per cent to 3 per cent. </p><p> The administration
doc#142 twins and little Elena, trying to keep them from falling into the creek by which they persisted
doc#109 stroke of its existence", states the theme from which all else must follow. The theme may
doc#137 by a woman. They expected greater things from him, regardless of how trying the circumstances
doc#126 mother hen, taking a sip from time to time from the rather liquid honey in her honey pots
doc#135 the planks were in danger of being torn from the crossbars. </p><p> Mike rolled to Susan
doc#134 carbine down from the wall and it trailed from his hand, the stock bumping on the wood
doc#118 gas (Argon). Thus, the energy transferred from the arc to the anode was partly fed back