This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#142 the remuda. They got tin cups of coffee from the big pot on the coosie's fire, rolled
doc#142 twins and little Elena, trying to keep them from falling into the creek by which they persisted
doc#142 see to that". </p><p> "But after a time away from you ...". </p><p> "A year, Luis? Five? Ten
doc#142 the skirt of Macklin's coat, took his gun from its holster, tossed it onto the desk. "
doc#142 </p><p> They moved in on him, crowded him from all sides. No man laid a hand on him, but
doc#142 Ramirez remained on the veranda to keep Harper from interfering. The others followed Brannon
doc#143 estimated that the shooting had been done from a distance of 300 yards. Rumors of the
doc#143 disappearing. For less than a dozen miles from the unplowed land of the dead man lived
doc#143 cattlemen who had been facing bankruptcy from rustling losses and to the cowboys who
doc#143 while he was receiving a much larger salary from parties unknown. He made their spreads
doc#144 cautiously, and watched it several minutes from the protection of a grove of trees. </p>
doc#144 above his head to light a lantern which hung from a wire loop. As he crossed to the side
doc#144 Adams" -- Jess was beginning to recover from his initial shock. "We ain't got nothing
doc#144 the kind of bastard who sneaks up on a man from behind and hits him with a club. I just
doc#144 investigate. Once more he lifted Jess's gun from its holster, only this time he tossed it
doc#144 Black's old crowbait began to snort, and from the house Black yelled, "Jess! What's going
doc#144 </p><p> Jess had had enough. Blood gushed from his nose, and he backed off as rapidly
doc#145 jerked the handsome, broad-brimmed beaver hat from Nate's head and clamped it on his own.
doc#145 make the bend in the road and disappear from sight. Much as they had to look forward
doc#145 games". </p><p> Rod shifted his eager eyes from the milling group out in the circle long