This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 and let his hands fall to his sides. He had found Curt's weakness, or what to Jess
doc#144 blow which started at the floor. </p><p> Jess had had enough. Blood gushed from his nose,
doc#144 which started at the floor. </p><p> Jess had had enough. Blood gushed from his nose, and
doc#145 sleep. For Matilda, it was the first she had known in many a night. Even the knowledge
doc#146 be so quick on the trigger". </p><p> " Pat had never pretended to give advice in such
doc#146 occasional shot; but on the range gunfire had a meaning. Hauling up, Russ listened carefully
doc#146 Cobb felt something tug at his foot. A slug had torn half of his stirrup-guard away. A
doc#146 out of here"! </p><p> At the first shot Russ had hurled his mount to the left toward the
doc#147 ride through the mud and pot holes. No one had much to say. The sky glowered down at them
doc#147 climbed into the cockpit feeling as if he had never been in one before. But his hands
doc#147 of activity. </p><p> Once Todman thought he had spotted a tank and went down to investigate
doc#147 bombed a group of houses that Intelligence had thought might contain Japanese supplies
doc#147 mind flicked through the mental pictures he had from the hours of Aircraft Identification
doc#147 to the enemy, if it was the enemy, and he had n't been spotted already. But the closing
doc#147 be the enemy. Greg wished the Air Corps had continued to camouflage planes. There was
doc#147 </p><p> Even as he said it, Greg knew they had found the enemy. The shapes were unmistakable
doc#147 the RPM, and the engine responded as if it had been waiting. The clearly identifiable
doc#147 veer. It did not seem possible that they had n't been spotted. Blind fools. </p><p> Now
doc#147 time to see. His maneuvering for the shot had placed him near the overcast, almost inverted
doc#147 was down. He held the controls where they had been. Sweat popped out over him and he