This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#74 batted in of the game and his only ones of the year. </p><p> Turk Lown was tagged with
doc#81 prize money. He was heralded as "Sportsman of the Year" by Sports Illustrated, and last
doc#111 curious that even centuries of repetition of the yearly cycle did not induce a sufficient
doc#107 than dramatic or patriotic interest because of their conviction that the struggle in which
doc#113 is their only refuge. Their writing, born of their experiments in marijuana and untrammeled
doc#108 Southern writers' creation of an unreal image of their homeland, which is too readily assimilated
doc#104 Herrick, Shakespeare, and perhaps some lyrics of their own. That, at any rate, is what happens
doc#109 dadaist artist, has collaborated with several of them. He has designed a matching backdrop
doc#107 have an easier task". </p><p> They thought of themselves, to use Jefferson's words, as
doc#45 give Davis an opportunity to combat some of these criticisms. </p><p> City Controller
doc#118 dependence on the flow rate within the accuracy of these measurements. Thus, the dotted line
doc#118 anode holder as indicated on figure 2. Some of these temperatures are plotted in figure
doc#108 the picket lines, the bus strikes -- all of these were unheard-of even ten years ago
doc#102 with the RAND Corporation, a nonprofit pool of thinkers financed by the U. S. Air Force
doc#0 exception of Fulton County, which receives none of this money". </p><p> The jurors said they
doc#21 manifestations against atomic arms in the heart of this northernmost capital of the alliance
doc#148 even remember who wrote it but it was one of those 15th or 16th century poets. In those
doc#100 length of the South marking the upper limits of tidewater would roughly divide the Old
doc#68 the interference and made key stops lots of times. And he caused the fumble that set
doc#132 experiments recently reported from a variety of traditional settings all point up the importance