This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#142 killed for something that doesn't concern you ". He strode past the now frightened man
doc#143 Tom", a friend asked him once, "how come you bushwhacked them rustlers? They wouldn't
doc#143 rustlers? They wouldn't o' stood no chance with you in a plain, straight-out shoot-down". </p>
doc#143 rodeo. </p><p> "Well", he explained, "s'posin' you was a nester swingin' the long rope? Which
doc#143 nester swingin' the long rope? Which would you be most scairt of -- a dry-gulchin' or
doc#144 counter. </p><p> "I have a little job for you , Charlie. I'm sure you won't mind doing
doc#144 a little job for you, Charlie. I'm sure you won't mind doing me a small favor". </p>
doc#144 moistened his lips uneasily. </p><p> "What is it you want me to do, Mr. Brenner"? </p><p> Brenner
doc#144 carelessly. </p><p> "It's very simple. I just want you to take a message to Diane Molinari. Tell
doc#144 sourly, "What the hell's the matter with you ?" </p><p> The horse continued to snort. Curt
doc#144 and clicked back the hammer. </p><p> "Before you try anything", he said. "Remember what
doc#144 's pistol out of its holster. </p><p> "Damn you , Adams" -- Jess was beginning to recover
doc#144 having supper. That long ride the four of you took must've given him a good appetite.
doc#144 dumb as they come, Adams. I don't know what you 're up to, but when Brenner" -- </p><p> "You
doc#144 know nothin' about him". "No? I suppose you don't know anything about a piece of two
doc#144 gun. "So help me, Crouch, I'd like to kill you where you stand, but, before I do, I'm
doc#144 help me, Crouch, I'd like to kill you where you stand, but, before I do, I'm going to hear
doc#144 stand, but, before I do, I'm going to hear you admit killing him. Now start talking. Who
doc#144 killing him. Now start talking. Who told you to do it? Was it Dutch Brenner"? </p><p>
doc#144 became bold. </p><p> "Having all the guns makes you a big man, don't it, Adams? If we was both