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doc#128 <p> Wolpe's experiments and therapeutic work lie
doc#82 in baseball parks and therefore face an
doc#137 the circumstances, and they were disappointed
doc#104 Abbas's reign and those of his
doc#100 have been reconstructed and those who have
doc#68 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday",
doc#22 to economic aid and to encourage political
doc#127 the bronchus, and to follow a
doc#101 to his sovereign and to his nation
doc#103 into the cities and towns and seaports
doc#136 young, wheeling and twisting their ponies
doc#85 burned to death and two other children
doc#131 the highest ideals and values -- ethical
doc#25 that neighborhood grocery and variety stores be
doc#114 New Hampshire, and Vermont are older
doc#103 legs were narrow and very long.
doc#140 sun. Bushes and vines abetted the
doc#144 beside the door and waited. Presently
doc#125 very dilute solutions and was a gentler
doc#63 nearing the wire and was able to