This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#146 come. Glowering looks met them in the bar, but there was no attempt to halt them. Pausing
doc#144 Again he stood in the darkness listening, but there was only the scrape of a shod hoof
doc#130 Isolated enterprises have been launched, but they are not yet related to each other
doc#108 too deeply moved by this romanticizing; but they can hardly deny that, exaggerated
doc#142 that her mother knew what had happened, but they could speculate upon it. But her mother
doc#136 some of the engages shouted frantically, but they held their fire. The horses were only
doc#128 These are few and seemingly disjointed data, but they illustrate the important fact that
doc#137 </p><p> They weren't sleeping, of course, but they thought they were doing him a favor
doc#135 All were carrying guns they had seized up, but they were half-clad or hardly clad at all
doc#139 whom Barton would have liked to liberate, but they were in other cell blocks. There was
doc#34 state committee retirements come April 18, but they will be leaving by choice of the Republican
doc#134 relationships he had sought so desperately, but they would not come to life. The silence
doc#37 is expected to be reported out Tuesday, but this is a little uncertain. </p><p> The panel
doc#130 assist other countries in their development; but this obligation pertains only to countries
doc#33 "This is not a plan to conquer space -- but to conserve it", pointing out the state
doc#112 here is shorter than what he actually said but very close to his own words. </p><p> "The
doc#25 not essential to provide the more limited but vital shopping needs of the community".
doc#53 BEST "We have no reason to fear failure, but we must be extraordinarily patient", the
doc#148 I do not know. I myself was fond of him but what a young woman half his age saw in
doc#138 were almost always present in the hall, but what they were doing, and exactly where