This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#139 uninterrupted report from Dill on the conditions in the valley. </p><p> They squatted on their
doc#139 him thoroughly. For his first five years in prison, they had shared a cell. </p><p> Carl
doc#139 the question which lay always uppermost in his mind. </p><p> "My boy. Did you find him
doc#139 heard it. "I never saw him. My wife died in childbirth after I was sent away. </p><p>
doc#139 against the cold foothill air. Fat showed in loose rolls beneath the shirt. Ten years
doc#140 yet too far for her to hear. Silence stood in front of her, waiting, and in back of her
doc#140 Silence stood in front of her, waiting, and in back of her, blocking her retreat. </p><p>
doc#142 had watched a lurid display of lightning in the sky to the east. Later, they'd heard
doc#142 them, and then it was too late. They closed in fast, kept him from reaching inside his
doc#142 the dark building. He was uttering threats in a low but savage voice when they closed
doc#143 problem was by no means solved. </p><p> Even in the very area where the shooting had been
doc#143 n't foresee that it might be his downfall in the end. </p><p> He had made himself the
doc#143 spreads his headquarters, and he helped out in their roundups. </p><p> In the cow camps,
doc#144 </p><p> "Your trigger-happy brother isn't in the house. About now he's probably having
doc#144 Jess's twisting, and he swung the handle in an attempt to knock Curt's brains out.
doc#144 as he could, stumbling over his own feet in his frantic haste to get away from Curt
doc#144 get away from Curt's fists. </p><p> Curt was in almost as bad shape, but he wouldn't quit
doc#144 straw out of the action, and placed the gun in his holster. Leaving Jess's where it lay
doc#144 himself, it'll make a difference. Somebody in this town must still have some backbone
doc#145 lips thoughtfully. From the way the wound in his head was itching, Dan knew that it