This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 He opened the door and went in, pulling it shut behind him. </p><p> Again he stood in
doc#144 seconds and thought of a means by which it might be solved. Reaching across the side
doc#144 That's the stuff", Curt said. "Just hold it that way". He reached out to pull the door
doc#144 him. Now start talking. Who told you to do it ? Was it Dutch Brenner"? </p><p> Curt was
doc#144 Jess, but Curt couldn't bring himself to do it . </p><p> Apparently sensing this, and realizing
doc#144 dropped his own beside it. </p><p> "We'll do it another way, then", he said harshly. </p>
doc#144 which sent him spinning. An inch lower and it would have knocked him out. As it was,
doc#144 killing Arbuckle. I'm going to let him tell it to somebody else". He shoved Black toward
doc#144 Maybe if the marshal hears this himself, it 'll make a difference. Somebody in this
doc#145 morning", he replied. "But the sun'll fry it out'n me onct we git to rolling". </p><p>
doc#146 himself to the hilt and already so tipsy that it seemed unlikely he was bothering to note
doc#146 revelry, with Gyp Carmer a prominent figure, it was now as somnolent and dull as the day
doc#146 bar, running toward an ell. Pat moved into it . Small rooms, probably for cards, opened
doc#146 him about it, Russ". He started to return it . </p><p> To his faint surprise Russ held
doc#146 I've had enough. It was you that tracked it down anyway, Stevens", he pursued strictly
doc#146 he delayed, his brows puckered. "You owe it to Penny to give her a chance to explain
doc#147 with it. His face was dark as the sky above it as he stood on the wing and waited for
doc#147 where the superstition had originated that it was bad luck for a crew chief to watch
doc#147 coal black against the green jungle around it . He possessed the fighter pilot's horror
doc#147 could see there was no hole to climb through it . They would have to go west through the