This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#142 Conchita had thought his face almost ugly with the anger in him. </p><p> She wondered what
doc#142 hands did. He was in earnest conversation with her father and the old vaquero, Luis Hernandez
doc#142 empty calf wagon. Brannon was hunkered down with his broad back to the left rear wheel,
doc#142 burning away, forgotten. His face was clouded with unhappiness. </p><p> He'd told Hank Maguire
doc#142 's finished eating", Hogan said. "Sitting with a cup of coffee now. It shouldn't be long
doc#142 crowding the small room. His face was stiff with anger when they let go of his arms. He
doc#142 the lockup was of oak planks and banded with strap iron. It was secured by an oversized
doc#142 house on Houston Street. Its windows glowed with lamplight. Deputy Marshal Luke Harper still
doc#142 edge of the veranda, peered down at them with his hand on his gun. </p><p> "Don't try it
doc#143 warnings laughed with satisfaction. For, with a single exception, nothing had happened
doc#143 cowboy witnesses ready and willing to swear with straight faces that he had been in Bates
doc#143 free for the taking, were sitting empty, with weeds growing high in their yards. The
doc#144 out to pull the door shut and fasten it with a sliding bolt. "You and I have a little
doc#144 only this time he tossed it into the stall with the frightened buckskin. He dropped his
doc#144 the wall, bounced back, and caught Curt with a roundhouse right which sent him spinning
doc#144 began to focus, he saw Jess charging at him with a pitchfork. </p><p> Curt twisted to one
doc#145 mother, "you've got all evening to visit with Dan. His wounds need dressing now". </p>
doc#145 them, Matilda could not speak at all. Then, with a glory that almost wiped out the deep,
doc#145 examined, pronounced healing, and well doctored with simples, before they dished up the victuals
doc#145 'tain't no more'n right for me to follow with my black oxen, so 's I can unhook and pull