This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#147 there was no hole to climb through it. They would have to go west through the narrow river
doc#100 taken on the question. No doubt such a thing would be considered unpatriotic. Prior to 1954
doc#45 the money for other purposes. </p><p> This would be in perfect consonance with the underlying
doc#59 next 10 years. </p><p> To accomplish this would necessitate some changes in methods, he
doc#56 Board members indicated Monday night this would be done by an advisory poll to be taken
doc#100 South marking the upper limits of tidewater would roughly divide the Old South from the new
doc#54 that whatever steps of planning they took would "be more fruitful", and that he had found
doc#136 flaw in our defense; the Rees undoubtedly would try to cut down as many of the animals
doc#127 simultaneous pressures in all three vessels would have rendered the shunts inoperable and
doc#114 a moral right to a voice?), what voices would be left? Who is involved willy nilly? Well
doc#18 complementary" miscount of the vote, in which votes would be taken from one candidate and given to
doc#138 hall itself. When suitably lighted, what would it look like? The presence of the two exhaust
doc#142 Brannon looked at Hank Maguire. "And you? What would you do in my place"? </p><p> Hank shook his
doc#136 seen on the river", he said calmly. "What would you have done in Montero's moccasins? Let
doc#136 's logic, especially when I imagined what would have happened to Missy if Old Knife's large
doc#102 the real thing. </p><p> I asked Wisman what would happen if he broke out the go codes and
doc#143 was a nester swingin' the long rope? Which would you be most scairt of -- a dry-gulchin'
doc#10 the State Affairs Committee a bill which would order the referendum on the April 4 ballot
doc#148 my Uncle offered me a part-time job which would take care of my normal expenses and give
doc#9 certificate of correctness, violation of which would carry a penalty of one to five years in