This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#138 stairs. The staircase itself seemed still to be echoing the heavy footfalls of many men
doc#139 Boyd. "Bury those uniforms so they won't be found". </p><p> Then Barton touched Carl
doc#139 swelling volume of a hundred tornadoes could be heard for miles. Hague, like all who worked
doc#140 care of the little pink woman who chose to be called "Auntie". </p><p> When they reached
doc#140 the mountain might set for her. She must be cautious so as not to alert the scheming
doc#140 responsible for his crimes, then hers must be the final act of expiation. She would return
doc#140 , if atonement were possible, could only be made at that sacred, sacrificial basin.
doc#140 relieved now to admit their potency and to be taking definite steps toward grappling
doc#140 to act as compass, Pamela could no longer be positive of her direction. </p><p> Nevertheless
doc#141 deliberately, so that none of her words would be lost on him. </p><p> "I want to tell you
doc#141 brainy little lady like her had to say would be plumb important, as well as pleasin' to
doc#141 defend himself against them. He seemed to be fighting not one man but a dozen. And he
doc#141 would go unpunished. He, McBride, would be cited as in the wrong, and he, Lord, would
doc#142 biscuits for the Dutch oven. Supper would be ready within the hour. </p><p> The Maguire
doc#142 Luis Hernandez said, "What must be, must be . I am with you, of course, Tomas". </p><p>
doc#143 'll be ready next time"! he raged. "I'll be shootin' right back". </p><p> He had his
doc#143 ignored the warnings that his existence might be foreclosed on -- a blatant and defiant
doc#143 swingin' the long rope? Which would you be most scairt of -- a dry-gulchin' or a shoot
doc#143 evidently couldn't foresee that it might be his downfall in the end. </p><p> He had made
doc#145 a step further and say she hoped they'd be just as right as they now were for her