This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#145 and then kissed her soundly before setting her down so she could stand by his side while
doc#145 when a marriage is made, did not prevent her from having the first carefree, dreamless
doc#145 their rippling muscles as Rod and Dan swung her up into the load. "A body would swear I
doc#145 Dan released their holds on the arms of her hickory rocker and exchanged embarrassed
doc#145 nothing at all"! </p><p> Leaning forward in her chair, Gran nearsightedly scrutinized Dan
doc#145 water jug, placed the chamber pot beside her feet, and returned to her place at the
doc#145 chamber pot beside her feet, and returned to her place at the front of the wagon with Alice
doc#145 subject. "From now on, Sally and me and her folks aim to give you our turn when it
doc#145 reassuringly, concerned by the pinched look around her mouth. "Like enough we'll all be up on
doc#147 the check-out procedure. </p><p> "I've got her as neat as I can", Donovan said, as he
doc#148 the store with a woman and introduce me to her as my new Aunt. They were married over
doc#148 There was something about the contour of her face, her smile that was like New Orleans
doc#148 forgive me if I seem to dwell too much on her physical aspects but I am an artist, accustomed
doc#148 's eye, the clothes drop away and he sees her as she really is. And that is the way I
doc#148 really is. And that is the way I first saw her when my Uncle brought her into his antique
doc#148 way I first saw her when my Uncle brought her into his antique store. </p><p> That she
doc#148 thought I saw a faint surge of color rise to her neck and quickly suffuse her cheeks. True
doc#148 strong light I could see the outlines of her body, a body that an artist or anyone else
doc#148 clicked in this instance, but I treated her circumspectly and I felt that she knew
doc#148 help out for a few hours even my looking at her was surreptitious lest my Uncle notice