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doc#132 intervention techniques to make services more widely available -- and on a more effective
doc#132 services more widely available -- and on a more effective basis to more people. Further
doc#132 available -- and on a more effective basis to more people. Further research in the meaning
doc#133 and he saw that one was a woman, he was more puzzled than ever. </p><p> He cleaned his
doc#133 and now he saw that both were young, not more than nineteen or twenty. They were dirty
doc#133 country", Morgan said. "There's only one more ranch three miles north of here. You'd
doc#133 if the girl could cook, it would give him more time in the meadows, but he knew nothing
doc#133 pathetic, woebegone expression. </p><p> There was more to this than Jones had told him. They were
doc#133 helped him with the dishes, then he brought more water in from the spring before it got
doc#134 </p><p> "Yes". </p><p> "You don't hate me any more "? </p><p> Clayton choked, shook his head,
doc#134 off the trail and pointed for the Gap, no more than a mile away. </p><p> Gavin's face was
doc#134 excitement. He did not look back; he could feel more than hear the staccato beat of hoofs that
doc#134 of the horse beneath him he crossed one more patch of earth that had been his, that
doc#135 rock"? </p><p> He kept going. He wanted no more sentimental scenes with her. He might say
doc#135 rifle, and I might be able to round up some more . I'll stampede the rest of these horses
doc#136 Now dammit, I don't want to go into any more explanations. Here comes Jason. Keep this
doc#136 when the Aricaras charged again. This time more of them hurdled the barrier. A small Indian
doc#137 you for a woman". </p><p> He meant to say more , but he never got the chance. She was quick
doc#137 by the string, and he could see her face more clearly than he had at any time before.
doc#138 expected to find here. I decided to see no more of the clerk until the processing of my