This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#145 dell, Heigh-ho the dairy-oh, the farmer in the dell". </p><p> At the sight of Sally's
doc#145 Conestoga still holding her close .... </p><p> Out in the center of the circle the farmer, who
doc#145 even the cheese, all joined them out there in the circle. </p><p> By now Harmony could
doc#145 Harmony could see that most of the adults in the train were winded and resting, or else
doc#145 civilization when stumbled across out here in this wilderness. Already a few hardy folk
doc#145 guards posted, than the whole camp turned in for a night of sound sleep. For Matilda
doc#145 Matilda, it was the first she had known in many a night. Even the knowledge that she
doc#145 grins. "Shucks, Gran", they said almost in unison. "That wasn't nothing at all"! </p>
doc#145 n't nothing at all"! </p><p> Leaning forward in her chair, Gran nearsightedly scrutinized
doc#145 team to hold the notched-stick chair braces in place while his boys swung up the tailgate
doc#145 give you our turn when it comes up and fall in behind you and Rod's outfit". </p><p> "Ai
doc#145 catch up. He's got the tightest running gear in the train now. Besides, 'tain't no more
doc#145 unhook and pull up fast if either of you get in a pinch". </p><p> Captain Clemens' signal
doc#146 watch, this activity enabled them to ride in and rack their broncs without any particular
doc#146 paid them. </p><p> "Gyp'll be holdin' forth in some bar if he's here at all", Cobb declared
doc#146 There were no less than six or seven saloons in Ganado, not counting the lower class dives
doc#146 spot Carmer give a yell before you move in ". </p><p> Cobb's assent was tight. "You do
doc#146 establishment, built practically on stilts in front, with long flights of wooden steps
doc#146 Russ. He fought down the impulse to rush in and collar the vicious puncher on the spot
doc#146 the busy street below. Stevens was nowhere in sight. Muffling an exclamation, Russ sprang