This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#146 luck had it, he had not gone twenty feet in the street before Pat appeared. </p><p> "
doc#146 man knocked the roulette ball about idly in its track, and another dozed at one of
doc#146 assured than the tall, wide-shouldered man in the lead, Cobb followed alertly, a hand
doc#146 it. He said no more. </p><p> A hall opened in back of the bar, running toward an ell.
doc#146 stomach. Kneeling, Cobb planted a sturdy knee in the small of his back, holding him pinned
doc#146 they had come. Glowering looks met them in the bar, but there was no attempt to halt
doc#146 there was no attempt to halt them. Pausing in the outside door to glance behind him,
doc#146 when you tell him. But I want this to sink in awhile. Then maybe next time he won't be
doc#146 " Pat had never pretended to give advice in such affairs. "You're the doctor", he returned
doc#146 first restaurant he sensibly pulled up to go in for his dinner, and as a consequence did
doc#146 Saw Buck he would never have been involved in this latest tangle. </p><p> Over and above
doc#146 growing suspicion of Chuck Stober's part in recent events. "Gyp Carmer couldn't have
doc#146 the Antler ranch house. He tightened up in a twinkling. So far as he knew, only his
doc#146 up against. Whoever was out there hiding in the brushy cover was besieging the Antler
doc#146 ridden out the last few days without a rifle in his saddle boot, Russ drew his Colt and
doc#146 <p> He dashed madly for the next elbow turn in the draw, and made it. Recklessly hurling
doc#147 behind him, and flashed a look about. Early in November the clouds lifted enough to carry
doc#147 cockpit feeling as if he had never been in one before. But his hands and those of
doc#147 moved automatically adjusting and arranging in the check-out procedure. </p><p> "I've got
doc#147 Donovan would be watching for every speck in the sky. </p><p> Greg rumbled down the rough