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doc#146 endless. Sweeping a look around, he saw that he was safe for the moment. He heard cries
doc#147 marks on the combat record. Every plane that could fly was sent into the air. </p><p>
doc#147 go west through the narrow river valley that separated Leyte from Samar and hope that
doc#147 that separated Leyte from Samar and hope that it didn't close in before they returned
doc#147 formation wide around three A-26 attack bombers that were headed north over the Gulf. He dropped
doc#148 could see the outlines of her body, a body that an artist or anyone else would have admired
doc#148 but I treated her circumspectly and I felt that she knew it, for we both kept our distance
doc#148 she found a measure of economic security that she needed; or maybe she liked men old
doc#148 made a pass, say I tried to date you and that you agreed so you could prove to him what
doc#148 prove what you tell him about me you suggest that he keep the date instead. You are both