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doc#137 feeling about it. That girl last night, what was her name? Judith Pierce. It was the only
doc#111 were approaching him, he would know what was required of him, even though he might not
doc#54 and the board should be informed on what was done, is going to be done and what it thought
doc#103 panel. It took me a moment to realize what was odd about that panel: there was a gimbaled
doc#142 then thrown onto a broad grass flat which was to be the first night's bedground. Two
doc#147 the panic of vertigo. He had no idea which was up and which was down. He held the controls
doc#145 the center of the circle the farmer, who was Dan, wasted no time when they came to the
doc#10 with Roberts, except Rep. Bill Jones, who was absent. AUSTIN, TEXAS -- Paradise lost
doc#137 Wilson brushed the dust from his coat. "Who was that"? he asked. "Your personal guard?
doc#59 Friday afternoon the Rev. T. F. Zimmerman was reelected for his second consecutive two