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doc#69 . </p><p> Buffalo coach Buster Ramsey, who has become one of the game's greatest collectors
doc#102 causes him to hesitate. </p><p> Wisman, who has had the chief controller's job for four
doc#29 president of the United States, and who has been the symbol to the world of the peace
doc#29 effort to prop up a sagging candidate who has proven he cannot answer any questions about
doc#140 partaking of the stealth of a criminal who has plotted his felony for months in advance
doc#113 </p><p> If Wilhelm Reich is the Moses who has led them out of the Egypt of sexual slavery
doc#12 physics, chemistry, math or English, yet who has not taken Education courses, is not permitted
doc#36 construction of highways and other public works has brought on state and Federal investigations
doc#108 Southern writing, almost none of the writers has forsaken the firmly entrenched concept
doc#131 the customary ways of living. As Yinger has pointed out, the "... reliance on symbols