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doc#145 she couldn't, not yet. Not with the memory of her folks and the lost Conestoga still
doc#145 seemed to make them feel closer to some kind of civilization when stumbled across out here
doc#146 teamsters. Pat only nodded. "Take one side of the street, and I'll take the other", he
doc#147 rest blew up jungle. </p><p> With their load of bombs gone, the planes moved swiftly and
doc#147 Rogers". </p><p> The planes, light with most of the gas burned out, responded beautifully
doc#148 activities a young and healthy man just out of college finds interesting. </p><p> I had
doc#148 particularly loved the gaiety and spirit of Mardi Gras. I had seen two of them and
doc#148 married him I do not know. I myself was fond of him but what a young woman half his age
doc#148 she was telling me about it I became aware of a give-away flush that suffused her neck
doc#148 even remember who wrote it but it was one of those 15th or 16th century poets. In those