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doc#119 pressure. </p><p> Although there were only four
doc#112 friendly. If there were only the
doc#143 deserted. But there were other homesteaders
doc#119 was apparent that there were two distinct
doc#145 , way back there when they were
doc#137 must have got there when you fell
doc#79 He played basketball there while working toward
doc#16 , is that there will be a
doc#112 only means that there will be new
doc#33 green areas, there will be no
doc#86 mechanically so that there will be no
doc#112 not mean that there will henceforth be
doc#140 her previous journey there with Grace,
doc#9 <p> The TEA estimated there would be 182
doc#7 citizens feared that there would be irregularities
doc#135 . No doubt there would be men
doc#112 to us, there would be no
doc#124 full knowledge that there would be no
doc#51 demanded pledges that there would be no
doc#137 that this time there would be no