This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#144 , don't it, Adams? If we was both armed, you wouldn't talk so tough". </p><p> "No"? Curt
doc#144 coward"? </p><p> "I ain't drawin' against you ", Jess said thickly. "I heard how you outdrew
doc#144 against you", Jess said thickly. "I heard how you outdrew Chico. I ain't a gunslinger". </p>
doc#144 hits him with a club. I just wanted to hear you say so". </p><p> Jess stared at him without
doc#144 me about Arbuckle! You killed him, didn't you "? </p><p> "It was Brenner's idea", Jess mumbled
doc#144 dabbing at his nose. "He found out about you and Arbuckle talking. He wanted to show
doc#144 delay him a few minutes. </p><p> "Where're you takin' me"? Jess asked worriedly. </p><p>
doc#145 send them on their way and make camp, let's you and me go for a walk down by the Snake
doc#145 </p><p> "Sally", admonished her mother, " you 've got all evening to visit with Dan. His
doc#145 front of him. </p><p> "I ain't going to fight you no more". Nate turned his head, attempting
doc#145 speak in a soothing voice. </p><p> "I know you ain't"! Dan affirmed, feeling ten feet
doc#145 clamped it on his own. "Here's a present for you ", he said, shoving his bullet-riddled hat
doc#145 down over Nate's purpling forehead. "Me and you 's trading hats so 's you'll have something
doc#145 forehead. "Me and you's trading hats so 's you 'll have something permanent to remember
doc#145 ringed spectators, "don't that fiddle make you wish the Bible didn't say us Baptists ca
doc#145 shoulder before he replied. "Come spring, you 'll be kicking up your heels and feeling
doc#145 mind setting here along with Gran while you go out and join in the games". </p><p> Rod
doc#145 , Sally and me and her folks aim to give you our turn when it comes up and fall in behind
doc#145 turn when it comes up and fall in behind you and Rod's outfit". </p><p> "Ain't no sense
doc#145 and Rod's outfit". </p><p> "Ain't no sense you eating our dust", Rod protested. </p><p>