This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#108 befuddles him. He is too deeply steeped in William Faulkner and Robert Penn Warren
doc#19 , in a special message to Congress, tied in with his aged care plan requests for large
doc#120 minimize the amount of dispersion mode mixed in with the absorption signal. </p><p> A single
doc#113 that captures the organic rhythms of life in words. If he thus achieves a lyrical, dreamlike
doc#103 gulley. Their gait is impossible to convey in words. It has nothing of the proud stride
doc#101 traversed: American immersion and involvement in world affairs. </p><p> Internal national
doc#106 satisfactory. </p><p> All expressed interest in world affairs but no one offered to make
doc#111 ownership, world courts, and the veto power in world councils are but a few examples.
doc#101 the Western powers. The enormous changes in world politics have, however, thrown it
doc#88 Conceding that several cities to the north were in worse shape than Baltimore after the last
doc#131 failures is compensated for by communion in worship or prayer with a friendly, but
doc#102 launch-control rooms of an Atlas missile base in Wyoming, where officers who wear sidearms
doc#143 driven down to the lowest level ever seen in Wyoming. </p><p> When several minutes had
doc#133 "What are you doing here"? </p><p> "Are we in Wyoming"? </p><p> Morgan nodded. "About five
doc#143 killer, nearly every cowboy and rancher in Wyoming seemed proud to call him a friend
doc#141 anyway, when most had scarcely sat a horse in years? He slid in at her side, tucked a
doc#35 report of his political intentions, published in yesterday's New York Times. The Mayor said
doc#108 towers before his eyes, but his heart is away in Yoknapatawpha County with razorback hogs
doc#141 unless we have to, which I figger we do, in your case. Figger we got to be plumb careful
doc#126 cold season, when you are turning over sods in your garden, but you have to be a really