This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#148 had seen two of them and we would soon be in another city-wide, joyous celebration with
doc#148 city-wide, joyous celebration with romance in the air; and, when you took a walk you
doc#148 close socially because of the difference in our ages. Sometimes I wondered vaguely
doc#148 looks at an ankle, a calf, a bosom and, in his mind's eye, the clothes drop away and
doc#148 anyone else would have admired. As it is in so many affairs of the heart, a man and
doc#148 and something clicks. Something clicked in this instance, but I treated her circumspectly
doc#148 but what a young woman half his age saw in him was a mystery to me. He already had
doc#148 his bride opened the store. I was waiting in front of it when she showed up and told
doc#148 heels as she walked directly to the office in the rear and took the seat at his desk.
doc#148 her palms, fingers outspread, on the desk in an odd gesture as if to say, "Now, what
doc#148 next"? </p><p> I was aware of a humid look in her eyes that told me the time was opportune
doc#148 little likelihood of any customers walking in at that hour. I was standing beside her
doc#148 jumped up, and her two arms encircled me in a bear-like crush. Her mouth, which had
doc#148 crush. Her mouth, which had been so much in my thoughts, was warm and moist and tender
doc#148 she said incredulously. </p><p> "When I was in college", I grinned, "I remember a poem
doc#148 grinned, "I remember a poem I had to read in my lit class. I don't even remember who
doc#148 . In those days poems often told a story in verse and those boys had some corkers to
doc#148 officially. A lot of people will roam the streets in costumes and masks, and having a ball.
doc#148 beginning to collect dividends on my investment in education". </p><p> As we expected, on the
doc#148 recovered and opened the store as usual at 10 in the morning. I felt that he looked at me