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doc#77 back in the ball game, trailing only 6-3, but the drive fizzled when John Edwards fouled
doc#125 a gentler procedure, it was used in all but the earliest experiments. </p><p> Paper electrophoresis
doc#72 in order ... The infield was well flooded but the expanded outfield was much too dark
doc#135 . "Are you hit"? he demanded. </p><p> "No, but the fat's in the fire"! Mike said. "There
doc#115 its boyhood associations: "Not men-folk, but the fields where I would stray, The stones
doc#126 alkali bee is similar to that of Andrena, but the first activity of the adults does not
doc#107 All seven recognized that independence was but the first step toward building a nation
doc#137 hotter once they reached the flat, and drier, but the grass was better. A warm breeze played
doc#135 guerrillas. There's bound to be someone on guard, but the hat might fool them long enough for
doc#29 what they call Eisenhower Republicanism, but the heart stopped beating and the lifeblood
doc#112 predictable way? What is the history of criticism but the history of men attempting to make sense
doc#108 has openly faced the problem. </p><p> All but the most rabid of Confederate flag wavers
doc#43 this historic square are several statutes, but the one that stands out over the others
doc#135 whipsawed post oak. The iron hinges held, but the planks were in danger of being torn
doc#120 ; (2) all hydrogen atoms lie on a sheet, but the sheet is closer to one oxygen sheet
doc#0 general assistance program", the jury said, but the State Welfare Department "has seen
doc#137 before, with the children asleep and nothing but the strange darkness, he would have appreciated
doc#110 essential to the sovereignty of the citizen -- but the supreme sacrifice each made served
doc#120 information on the motions of the hydrogen nuclei, but the symmetry of the <formul> bond in <formul>
doc#115 so, he answers, it is not the architect but the temple that is immortal. "The man's