This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#147 the flight scored a direct hit and
doc#147 open. Like a man making a
doc#147 a man making a deep dive,
doc#147 about to make a gas check on
doc#147 each other on a collision course.
doc#147 . And only a few seconds to
doc#147 two: either a Zero or a
doc#147 a Zero or a U. S. Navy
doc#147 . It was a box. But
doc#147 ", came a high-pitched
doc#147 gave them all a chance to make
doc#147 chance to make a high-speed
doc#147 turn attack and a break-away
doc#147 overcast or force a tight-turn
doc#147 too tight, a barrel roll would
doc#147 an altitude for a barrel roll,
doc#147 wingman move out a bit and shoot
doc#147 would be only a moment when damage
doc#147 like shooting at a duck while performing
doc#147 duck while performing a half-gainer