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doc#148 so many affairs of the heart, a man and a woman meet and something clicks. Something
doc#148 later I saw my Uncle's car drive up and a woman's figure emerge and walk to the corner
doc#144 of it. </p><p> Somewhere in the distance, a woman screamed. Curt was too involved in
doc#148 a long time since I had seen as gorgeous a woman who oozed sex. There was something
doc#113 beatnik comes alive within and experiences a wonderfully enhanced sense of self as if
doc#144 his left hand in front of him, and came to a wooden partition. Horse smell was very
doc#126 nest, a bird house, or the hole made by a woodpecker; some show a definite liking
doc#108 most writers enjoy picturing the Negro as a woolly-headed, humble old agrarian who
doc#103 . There was also a long wooden spear and a woomera, a spear-throwing device which
doc#102 bombers could drop their H-bombs. </p><p> In a word, plenty. The key man almost certainly
doc#141 pleasin' to the ear, and he didn't want to miss a word of it. So would she mind speaking
doc#109 inviolable. Each performance may be different. If a work is divided into several large segments
doc#103 patted the dog. It was not a pet. It was a worker. </p><p> "The buggers love shade",
doc#21 than in past meetings. </p><p> This has been a working session of an organization that
doc#101 becomes a perilous anachronism when adopted on a world-wide basis. </p><p> Complementing the
doc#107 would prosper and serve as an example to a world aching for liberty. </p><p> Seven Founders
doc#109 Chance, he finds, enables him to create " a world beyond imagination". He cites with
doc#109 placing them in the orbit of another world, a world in which they are freed of their
doc#108 experience with Disneyland: he wants to see a world of make-believe. </p><p> In the meantime
doc#77 man to lead a team to both a pennant and a World Series victory in his first year