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doc#148 is like one of those scientists who, from a single bone can reconstruct an animal's
doc#148 entire body. The artist looks at an ankle, a calf, a bosom and, in his mind's eye, the
doc#148 body. The artist looks at an ankle, a calf, a bosom and, in his mind's eye, the clothes
doc#148 both quickly averted them. I thought I saw a faint surge of color rise to her neck and
doc#148 only by marriage, but why she had married a man twice her age, and more, perhaps, I
doc#148 light I could see the outlines of her body, a body that an artist or anyone else would
doc#148 As it is in so many affairs of the heart, a man and a woman meet and something clicks
doc#148 so many affairs of the heart, a man and a woman meet and something clicks. Something
doc#148 she appeared at the store to help out for a few hours even my looking at her was surreptitious
doc#148 her eyes were undressing me as if she were a painter and I a nude model. I dismissed
doc#148 undressing me as if she were a painter and I a nude model. I dismissed these feelings
doc#148 could not get it out of my head that we had a strong physical attraction for one another
doc#148 fingers on but the air suddenly fills with a high charge of electricity. </p><p> Why she
doc#148 know. I myself was fond of him but what a young woman half his age saw in him was
doc#148 young woman half his age saw in him was a mystery to me. He already had that slow
doc#148 living. Perhaps, with my Uncle, she found a measure of economic security that she needed
doc#148 was telling me about it I became aware of a give-away flush that suffused her neck
doc#148 , "Now, what next"? </p><p> I was aware of a humid look in her eyes that told me the
doc#148 jumped up, and her two arms encircled me in a bear-like crush. Her mouth, which had been
doc#148 what we can do", I said. "Tell him I made a pass at you". </p><p> She raised a protesting