This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#19 medical and dental school equal to $1,500 a year for one-fourth of the first year students
doc#19 medical research he asked a 20 million dollar a year increase, from 30 to 50 millions,
doc#105 personal assistant at the Cologne Opera, and a year later was promoted to the position
doc#15 children program. The report, culminating a year long study of the ADC program in Cook
doc#142 Clayton before I lose him altogether. Hell, in a year or five or ten, the boy will have
doc#19 scholarships, based on need, of up to $2,000 a year per student. </p><p> In addition, the
doc#142 wait"? "Maybe in a year, Tomas ...". "In a year she'll like living in Clayton's house
doc#146 ", he proposed. "If you spot Carmer give a yell before you move in". </p><p> Cobb's
doc#103 dog, a dingo dog. Its ribs showed, it was a yellow nondescript color, it suffered from
doc#81 was neither a spirit of self-sacrifice nor a yen to encourage the downtrodden that motivated
doc#148 to painting or to those other activities a young and healthy man just out of college
doc#111 here also talking of the kind of fear that a young boy has for a group of boys who are
doc#136 naked except for a clout. Next to him was a young boy I was sure had sat near me at
doc#106 attack. "You must have some security", said a young clerk. </p><p> When I mentioned that
doc#104 aesthetes who play about with sensations, like a young prince in a miniature dabbling his
doc#148 know. I myself was fond of him but what a young woman half his age saw in him was
doc#132 were helped to understand the meaning of a younger son's wandering away from home
doc#123 5-1. From an estimated mass of 25 g for a zero-magnitude meteorite, the other masses
doc#147 He narrowed the shape down to two: either a Zero or a U. S. Navy type aircraft. </p>
doc#103 not wish them to be viewed as exhibits in a zoo, but on their reservations they are