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doc#144 plans. " It doesn't seem
doc#144 the match. </p><p> It was certain now
doc#144 said. " It 's Ben Arbuckle
doc#144 -section. It was like hitting
doc#144 them loose. It gave Curt time
doc#144 "? </p><p> " It was Brenner's
doc#146 the same. It 's all I
doc#146 goin'"? </p><p> It was the barkeep
doc#146 nodded. " It 's within a
doc#146 fellow. " It 'll be a
doc#146 had enough. It was you that
doc#146 himself. " It 's the second
doc#147 the strip. It was a rough
doc#147 goddamn climate. It 's for carabao
doc#147 degree turn. It was only a
doc#147 thousand feet. It was frustrating.
doc#147 by them. It was a box
doc#147 one wall. It gave them all
doc#147 nose up. It was going to
doc#147 not veer. It did not seem