This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#141 his mouth, and politely proffered one to her . </p><p> "Oh, cut it out, Tom"! she snapped
doc#145 chamber pot beside her feet, and returned to her place at the front of the wagon with Alice
doc#148 thought I saw a faint surge of color rise to her neck and quickly suffuse her cheeks. True
doc#135 And using him, Mike McLish, as a sop to her pride. </p><p> He handed the bayonet to Dean
doc#142 wife. She wished that she could talk to her mother about it. Not that her mother knew
doc#140 table beside the door and went upstairs to her bedroom. </p><p> On her bureau lay a small
doc#148 that suffused her neck and moved upwards to her cheeks, and subconsciously I realized that
doc#132 B. compared her feelings of weakness to her feelings of weakness and helplessness at
doc#148 clicked in this instance, but I treated her circumspectly and I felt that she knew
doc#134 dance with her at Gavin's party. He treats her like she was dirt. And you stand by like
doc#148 marriage, but why she had married a man twice her age, and more, perhaps, I did not know
doc#133 He picked her up, sliding one hand under her shoulders, the other under her knees, and
doc#140 eating, Melissa took Sprite the kitten under her arm -- "so that Auntie Grace can teach
doc#140 unnecessarily noisy. Twigs cracked loudly under her feet; bushes swished and scratched at her
doc#133 hand under her shoulders, the other under her knees, and carried her into the house.
doc#137 handle you next time". </p><p> She brought up her free hand to hit him, but this time he
doc#126 their nest in moss. Once she has made up her mind, the queen starts out by constructing
doc#95 "Much of the navy's future depends upon her ", an American naval announcement said on
doc#137 about it. That girl last night, what was her name? Judith Pierce. It was the only thing
doc#142 did. He was in earnest conversation with her father and the old vaquero, Luis Hernandez