This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#139 , you and me. The only reason we brought you was to get Miller out. If you ever try
doc#133 carried you in. I gave you a drink and then you went to sleep". </p><p> "Oh". She stared
doc#137 's as close as you've been to a man since you were a baby", Wilson said. </p><p> He saw
doc#137 you, where it would do the most good. If you were a man" -- </p><p> "She isn't, mister
doc#135 McLish"! Susan said fiercely. </p><p> "The way you were careful"? he snorted. "Running around
doc#134 Yes, like a father and son". </p><p> "I made you what you are", Gavin whispered. "I made
doc#144 gun. "So help me, Crouch, I'd like to kill you where you stand, but, before I do, I'm
doc#142 you guess"? Brannon said. "We're putting you where you won't come to harm. Come on --
doc#141 said Joyce. </p><p> "Uh-huh. So I can hear you while I'm checkin' the car. Looks like
doc#148 worked for my Uncle (an Uncle by marriage so you will not think this has a mild undercurrent
doc#145 ringed spectators, "don't that fiddle make you wish the Bible didn't say us Baptists ca
doc#142 ? Brannon said. "We're putting you where you won't come to harm. Come on -- the key.
doc#144 a little job for you, Charlie. I'm sure you won't mind doing me a small favor". </p>
doc#147 airplanes". </p><p> "We'll make out. Don't you worry, chief", Greg replied, wondering
doc#38 protested, the hotel owner said: </p><p> "Why do you worry? The U. S. Government is paying for
doc#141 spring. On the other hand, howsomever, maybe you wouldn't either. I figger it's probl'y
doc#142 said, "I could offer you advice, Tomas, but you wouldn't heed it". </p><p> "Let's hear it
doc#144 , don't it, Adams? If we was both armed, you wouldn't talk so tough". </p><p> "No"? Curt