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doc#145 <p> "Sally and her ma want to
doc#145 pinched look around her mouth. "
doc#146 Penny to give her a chance to
doc#147 I've got her as neat as
doc#148 introduce me to her as my new
doc#148 the contour of her face, her
doc#148 her face, her smile that was
doc#148 way she held her head, the
doc#148 too much on her physical aspects but
doc#148 and he sees her as she really
doc#148 I first saw her when my Uncle
doc#148 my Uncle brought her into his antique
doc#148 color rise to her neck and quickly
doc#148 and quickly suffuse her cheeks. True
doc#148 a man twice her age, and
doc#148 was standing with her back to the
doc#148 the outlines of her body, a
doc#148 but I treated her circumspectly and I
doc#148 my looking at her was surreptitious lest
doc#148 I felt that her eyes were undressing