This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#143 in the very area where the shooting had been done, cattle were still disappearing. For
doc#143 he'd heard about Lewis, even after he'd been shot at a couple o' times hisself"! </p>
doc#143 beyond a ledge of rocks that might have been the rifleman's hiding place. There were
doc#143 notes were rarely ignored. The lesson had been learned. The examples were plain. When
doc#143 figure with the rifle and field glasses had been seen riding that way was enough to frighten
doc#143 homesteaders. But to the cattlemen who had been facing bankruptcy from rustling losses
doc#143 rustling losses and to the cowboys who had been faced with lay-offs a few years earlier
doc#143 him. </p><p> By 1898, rustling losses had been driven down to the lowest level ever seen
doc#144 <p> Curt's visit to the livery stable had been merely a precaution in case anyone should
doc#144 </p><p> The fact that Jess's horse had not been returned to its stall could indicate that
doc#144 could indicate that Diane's information had been wrong, but Curt didn't interpret it this
doc#144 but Jess seemed hardly aware that he had been hit. He slammed into the wall, bounced
doc#146 Carmer's ingenious cache for his loot had been found. 14 "By golly, Stevens! You were
doc#146 the girl at Saw Buck he would never have been involved in this latest tangle. </p><p> Over
doc#146 gun crashed from somewhere behind. He had been sighted, and his attacker pumping shot
doc#147 into the cockpit feeling as if he had never been in one before. But his hands and those
doc#147 enemy, if it was the enemy, and he hadn't been spotted already. But the closing aircraft
doc#147 RPM, and the engine responded as if it had been waiting. The clearly identifiable enemy
doc#147 It did not seem possible that they hadn't been spotted. Blind fools. </p><p> Now! </p><p>
doc#147 down. He held the controls where they had been . Sweat popped out over him and he felt