This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#142 ? Brannon said. "We're putting you where you won't come to harm. Come on -- the key.
doc#134 -- "you want me to go with you, wherever you 're goin"? </p><p> "Yes". </p><p> "You don't
doc#76 matter of opinion, depending on whether you 're an American or National fan and anti
doc#148 pull the wool over a husband's eyes while you are having an affair with his wife. If
doc#145 mind setting here along with Gran while you go out and join in the games". </p><p> Rod
doc#133 I understand that, but I don't savvy why you 'd go off and leave your jobs in the first
doc#146 he snapped. "Go through his pockets, will you ? If we have to we'll take him apart and
doc#142 said, "What must be, must be. I am with you , of course, Tomas". </p><p> And Hank Maguire
doc#143 rustlers? They wouldn't o' stood no chance with you in a plain, straight-out shoot-down". </p>
doc#134 almost shyly -- "you want me to go with you , wherever you're goin"? </p><p> "Yes". </p>
doc#144 sourly, "What the hell's the matter with you ?" </p><p> The horse continued to snort. Curt
doc#133 behind him. He said: "If it's all right with you , Mr. Morgan, I'll sleep out here on the
doc#136 using our rifles on them! God, what a world you people live in". </p><p> Oso gave me an unruffled
doc#106 was obviously in their minds. </p><p> "Would you advise us to act the same way? You might
doc#136 up and kill you and your people, or would you steer him on someone else"? He shook his
doc#142 looked at Hank Maguire. "And you? What would you do in my place"? </p><p> Hank shook his head
doc#136 the river", he said calmly. "What would you have done in Montero's moccasins? Let Old
doc#143 nester swingin' the long rope? Which would you be most scairt of -- a dry-gulchin' or