This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#135 and with deep tenderness. She too began to weep. He released her and joined Mike.
doc#113 attitudes of the group. </p><p> The women who come to West Venice, having forsaken radicalism
doc#39 economic aid alone last year, according to Western estimates. This was the biggest
doc#112 sees is already shattered. His talk turns to what he calls "the mess", or sometimes
doc#105 consider it to be my job to expose the public to what is being written today". </p><p> With
doc#100 their patron saints. When I question them as to what they mean by concepts like liberty
doc#100 origin submitting without continued struggle to what they view as foreign domination. The
doc#144 needed. Probably his horse would be close to where he was hiding. </p><p> From the back
doc#137 sound of her horse any longer, then went up to where the children were sleeping. </p><p>
doc#54 cooperate so far as possible to get the children to where the parents wanted them to go. </p>
doc#35 These contend there is a serious question as to whether Mr. Wagner has the confidence of
doc#122 unity. </p><p> When typical reaction cells to which 0.3 of an atmosphere of oxygen had
doc#104 and music), do not take place in buildings to which entrance tickets are sold, but some
doc#60 conspiracy to use the U.S. mails to defraud, to which federal prosecutor A. Lawrence Burbank
doc#115 really wants is to find "a sacred cause" to which he can honestly devote himself. This
doc#116 trying to draw the line, color and other, as to which kind of man we wish to see dominate
doc#113 with dialectical seriousness is the degree to which sex can inspire the Muse. Monogamy
doc#140 prompted by a stray thought -- of the type to which she was frequently subject these
doc#118 temperature was taken as environmental temperature to which the anode holder was exposed as far
doc#104 now it is for many people simply a name to which they attach their notions of old