This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#110 secede, though the citizens could. Writing to Speed on August 24, 1855, Lincoln made
doc#29 attack on a past president. "He is wrong to inject Eisenhower into this campaign",
doc#135 of the lighted orderly room a few yards to Mike's left, but he, too, suddenly made
doc#115 life. He is driven back by his yearning to the wintry homeland of his fathers in the
doc#103 friend who had lived "outback" for years to take me to see some aborigines living in
doc#147 around. "They haven't seen us", Greg yelled to himself over the engine noise. "They have
doc#81 neither a spirit of self-sacrifice nor a yen to encourage the downtrodden that motivated
doc#35 two interviews with reporters yesterday to confirm or deny the reports that he had
doc#28 more effective. Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation
doc#113 honest feeling, then why should she not yield to it? "Most often", she says, "it's the monogamous
doc#139 the Ferry. That's what they'll expect you to do. They'll be there waiting for you. I
doc#133 way to get there and we can't expect you to quit work just to take us to town". "We
doc#106 more quickly. </p><p> "It is easy for you to talk"; countered a twenty year old law
doc#146 young fellow. "It'll be a pleasure for you to return this money to Colcord and tell him
doc#145 up his wagon while we was waiting for you to catch up. He's got the tightest running
doc#67 seem to get the feel. Practice helps you to get your timing down. </p><p> "It's kind
doc#137 seemed irritated. "I thought I told you to stay home". </p><p> The half-breed eased
doc#144 killing him. Now start talking. Who told you to do it? Was it Dutch Brenner"? </p><p> Curt
doc#144 </p><p> "It's very simple. I just want you to take a message to Diane Molinari. Tell