This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#146 spotted his approach, was determined to drive him off before he could get into the fight.
doc#146 wondered whether the attackers would allow him to pull away unmolested, he had his answer
doc#146 ain't gone far"! a harsh cry floated to him across the brush. </p><p> A carbine cracked
doc#146 for the moment. He heard cries from behind him , but he could make out no words. </p><p>
doc#146 Gradually the wash climbed upward, forcing him toward open range. Yet he must chance it
doc#146 dwindling wash, the loose dirt flying behind him , and flashed a look about. Early in November
doc#147 jungle. Donovan snatched Greg's chute from him with a belligerent motion and almost ran
doc#147 seven members of his flight fell in behind him . The dark brown bombs hanging under each
doc#147 ridiculously small. The control tower gave him immediate take-off permission, and the
doc#147 and the clean roar of the engine that took him off the rough strip spoke well of the skill
doc#147 about halfway up their slopes. Underneath him the sea was a dark and muddied gray. Water
doc#147 cockpit. </p><p> The overcast was solid above him . As far as he could see there was no hole
doc#147 went down to investigate while Greg covered him . "Somebody beat us to it"! Todman said
doc#147 altitude, up against the overcast, gave him the opportunity to exploit his advantages
doc#147 exploit his advantages. But it also made him conspicuous to the enemy, if it was the
doc#147 yellow on the reflector glass in front of him . His hands shook. "Arm your guns, Sweeneys
doc#147 wingman move out a bit and shoot up with him . Perfect, he thought. </p><p> With the rapid
doc#147 until the plane shuddered. Luck was with him . His burst held for a second on the engine
doc#147 His maneuvering for the shot had placed him near the overcast, almost inverted and
doc#147 where they had been. Sweat popped out over him and he felt the slick between his palm