This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#136 seen on the river", he said calmly. "What would you have done in Montero's moccasins? Let
doc#136 come up and kill you and your people, or would you steer him on someone else"? He shook
doc#136 this land". </p><p> I remember being told it would happen so fast people would think it took
doc#136 being told it would happen so fast people would think it took place overnight. </p><p> "That
doc#136 's logic, especially when I imagined what would have happened to Missy if Old Knife's large
doc#136 flaw in our defense; the Rees undoubtedly would try to cut down as many of the animals
doc#136 animals as possible. Wildly bucking horses would make the position difficult to defend against
doc#137 whole mountainside with a fire that size. It would n't matter to a fool like you. It would
doc#137 It wouldn't matter to a fool like you. It would to me". </p><p> "All right", Wilson said
doc#137 and nothing but the strange darkness, he would have appreciated company. She had helped
doc#137 understandable. It's not the kind of thing that a man would be proud of. And it doesn't make any difference
doc#137 </p><p> "Never mind", she said sternly. "It would n't matter to my father, and not to me.
doc#137 quirt -- I ought to use it on you, where it would do the most good. If you were a man" --
doc#137 again, and he hoped that this time there would be no other sounds to interrupt it. Not
doc#137 from Amelia's death. Not all of it. There would still be plenty of moments of regret and
doc#137 had left after Amelia's burial -- and it would serve its purpose. There was only one place
doc#137 feeling -- thanks to the girl -- that things would get worse before they got better. 2 They
doc#137 grow under, and places so steep that cattle would n't stop to graze. But there was water.
doc#138 of people moving about in the darkness. I would turn away from my writing in the hope of
doc#138 of rearranging my forms on the shelf. He would pick up the ringing phone with studied