This action may take several minutes for large corpora, please wait.
doc#67 gain of 10 yards, punted once for 39 yards and caught one pass for 13 yards. </p><p> He
doc#24 hire a CD director for about $3,500 a year and would only have to put up half that amount
doc#19 alone would boost the base to $5,000 a year and the payroll tax to 6.5 per cent -- 3.25
doc#22 that the United States had erred a year and a half ago by "encouraging the removal"
doc#19 cost 5.1 million dollars the first year and would go up to 21 millions by 1966. </p>
doc#118 studied in detail during the past years and decades by numerous investigators (Ref.
doc#143 the dead man onto the buckboard, yelled and lashed at the team and got out of there
doc#99 Evanston executive was fined $100 yesterday and forbidden to drive for 60 days for leading
doc#139 </p><p> "Let's get one thing straight, you and me. The only reason we brought you was
doc#144 and fasten it with a sliding bolt. "You and I have a little talking to do, Jess. You
doc#144 dabbing at his nose. "He found out about you and Arbuckle talking. He wanted to show the
doc#133 , then faced the boy. </p><p> "Who are you and what happened to you"? he asked. "I'm Billy
doc#145 when it comes up and fall in behind you and Rod's outfit". </p><p> "Ain't no sense you
doc#148 him I made a pass, say I tried to date you and that you agreed so you could prove to him
doc#136 moccasins? Let Old Knife come up and kill you and your people, or would you steer him on
doc#102 perhaps hundreds of millions, perhaps you and me -- and the experts. </p><p> These men
doc#145 them on their way and make camp, let's you and me go for a walk down by the Snake -- all
doc#141 you. You think that Highlands swindled you and I helped'em do it. But you're all wrong
doc#148 painting or to those other activities a young and healthy man just out of college finds interesting
doc#108 a glimmer of hope that through its youth and its new way of life the South might be