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doc#130 proceeding only erratically. Isolated enterprises have been launched, but they are not yet related
doc#130 and that with independence free men do not have to work to realize the benefits of modern
doc#130 of the times, most transitional societies have announced economic development plans of
doc#130 Community Development Program in the Philippines have demonstrated that transitional societies
doc#130 wider and wider groups. But these countries have made big strides toward developing the
doc#130 human and social overhead capital; they have established reasonably stable and effective
doc#130 institutions at national and local levels; and they have begun to develop a capacity to deal realistically
doc#130 thing, although considerable numbers of men have been trained, bureaucracies are still deficient
doc#130 genuinely open and pluralistic societies. We have every obligation to take seriously their
doc#130 being democratic and free countries; we also have , in consequence, the duty to appraise realistically
doc#130 frank but friendly ways. THE TIME FACTOR We have emphasized that the modernizing process
doc#130 toward the underdeveloped countries must have a realistically long working horizon. It
doc#130 marked by a patience and persistence which have not always been its trademark. </p><p> This
doc#131 significance in social organization, they have important indirect consequences. If the
doc#131 impulse, whether theistic or humanistic, men have joy in living; life leads somewhere. Religion
doc#131 functions of religion within man, there have always been the outer social functions
doc#131 functions for the community and society. The two have never been separable. Religion is vitally
doc#131 freewheelers, marginal religionists and so on -- have the values of Christian civilization internalized
doc#131 most cohesive forms of social groupings have grown out of religion. These groups have
doc#131 have grown out of religion. These groups have varied widely from mere families, primitive